Modernizing Learning: Building the Future Learning Ecosystem, published by the Advanced Distributed Learning Initiative, examines the latest advances in learning engineering and develops an "implementation blueprint" to build the lifelong learning landscape of the 21st Century.
The ambitious work is the product of the collaboration of the Advanced Distributed Learning Academy, organized by ADL and the University of Memphis, and comprising over 80 contributors from industry, academia, education and government. The projects senior editors were Dr. JJ Vogel Walcutt, Director of Innovation at the ADL Initiative, and Dr. Sae Schatz, Director of the ADL Initiative.
The book provides an overview of the history and foundations of modernized learning; issues in learning technology, including privacy, data security, interoperability, and analytics; issues in learning science, including instructional strategies for the future, competency-based learning, social learning, and self-regulated learning; and an important section on organizational governance, culture change, and strategic planning.
Promethean Blue Founder and Principal, Scott Erb, was honored to contribute a chapter on creating and sustaining cultures that encourage innovative thinking and bold implementation of life-long learning principles.
Modernizing Learning: Building the Future Learning Ecosystem is available as a free pdf download at the Government Publishing Office bookstore:
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